

Karate - Empty hand
Goju Ryu - Hard-Soft Style
Hai - Yes
Iie - No
Osu/Ous - Hello/Goodbye (greeting used in Japanese Martial Arts)
Gi/Kekogi/Dogi - Uniform
Obi - Belt
Rei - Bow
Seiretsu - Line up
Keotsuke - Come to attention
Seiza - Kneeling down
Mokuso - Meditation/Eyes closed/Concentrating your mind
Sensei - Teacher
Sempai/Senpai - Senior
Shihan - Teacher of Teachers
Dojo - Training hall/venue
Hajime - Begin/start/go
Yame - Stop
Kiai - A loud yell/Spirit yell
Renshu Owarimasu - End of day's training
Chojun Miyagi - Founder of Goju Ryu Karate-do
Jitsumi "Gogen" Yamaguchi - The late 10th Dan grandmaster of Goju Kai
Ei'ichi Miyazato - The late 10th Dan Grandmaster who received Chojun Miyagi's Gi and Obi
Yudansha - Black Belt/Person with a Dan Grade
Mudansha - Coloured Belt/Kyu Grade/Person without a Dan Grade
Kata - Forms
Embusen - Line of the Kata
Bunkai - To break down/Explanation of the movements in the Kata
Jodan - Upper level
Chudan - Middle level
Gedan - Lower level
Shomen/Mae - Front
Yoko - Side
Ushiro - Back
Hidari - Left
Migi - Right
Ura - Reverse
Mawate - Turn around
Hantai - Change stance
Sangate - To the rear/Backwards
Mawashi - Round
Naote - Return/Resume position
Uke - Block
Tsuki/Zuki - Punch
Keri - Kick
Uchi - Strike
Dachi - Stance
Ate - Smash
Waza - Technique
Gyakute Waza - Locking techniques
Habushi Waza - Deflecting techniques
Nage Waza - Throwing techniques
Kihon - Basics
Kumite - Sparring
Tegumi - Grappling
Yakusoku Kumite - Pre-arranged Sparring
Atama - Head
Gammen/Kao - Face
Kata - Shoulder (also Forms, homophones are tricky)
Te - Hand
Tekubi - Wrist
Ude - Forearm
Seiken - 2 knuckle fist (normal punching knuckles)
Uraken - Reverse knuckle
Nakadaka Ken - Middle knuckle
Shuto - Knife hand
Haito - Inner ridge of the hand
Haishu - Back of the hand
Teisho - Heel palm
Nukite - Spear hand/End of the fingers
Hiji/Enpi/Empi - Elbow
Hara - Abdomen
Tanden - Lower abdomen/"Core"
Mizuchi - Solar plexus
Ribu - Rib
Koshi - Hips/Waist
Ashi - Foot/Leg
Momo - Thigh
Hiza - Knee
Sune - Shin
Heisoku - Instep
Chusoku - Ball of the foot
Kakato - Heel
Sokuto - Blade of the foot
1-10 - Ichi, Ni, San, Shi/Yon, Go, Roku, Shichi/Nana, Hachi, Ku, Jyu
Ni Jyu - 20
San Jyu - 30
Hyaku - 100
Shiro - White
Kin - Gold
Ki - Yellow
Orenji - Orange
Aka - Red
Midori - Green
Murasaki - Purple
Ao - Blue
Cha/Chairo - Brown
Kuro - Black
Ganbaru - Try hard/Do your best/Tough it out

Book a trial

The introductory package consists of two beginner classes and a karate uniform that is yours to keep – all for $35.

At the conclusion of the first two classes, students have an excellent idea of what a karate program entails and the instructor can then discuss with you the many great membership options. Take these few easy steps to get you on  your way to a healthier, happier life and on the path to becoming a real karate Black Belt.

Fill in the form below to book your trial lesson and a member of our team will get back to you shortly.

or simply call Chris Dimond on 0411 877 214