Yellow Belt (8th Kyu)
- Block (Uke)
- Jodan-Gedan, Chudan-Gedan, Kake
- Punch (Tsuki)
- Chushin Tome, Chushin Hiki, Kisami, Gyaku, Kisami-Gyaku, Hiki-Tome, Tome-Hiki
- Strike (Uchi)
- Uraken From Kumite Kamae
- Smash (Ate)
- As Above
- Kick (Keri)
- Sokuto
- Stance (Dachi)
- Shiko (90), Moto (Yori Ashi), Hantai
- Combinations
- Kihon Ido Ich, Stance Plus 1-2 Techniques, Moto Plus 1 Technique
- Break Falls (Ukemi)
- Back
- Kata
- Taikyoku Chudan
- Pre-Arranged
- Yakusoku Kumite Ich-Part C (Step Block)
- Kumite
- Awase, Introduction To Shiai (Point)
- Taikyoku Chudan
- Block (Uke)
- Uchi, Soto
- Punch (Tsuki)
- Chushin Tome, Chushin Hiki, Kisami, Gyaku, Kisami-Gyaku, Hiki-Tome, Tome-Hiki
- Strike (Uchi)
- Shuto, Urashuto, Uraken From Kumite Kamae
- Smash (Ate)
- As Above
- Kick (Keri)
- Sokuto
- Stance (Dachi)
- Shiko (90), Moto (Yori Ashi), Hantai
- Combinations
- Kihon Ido Ich, Stance Plus 1-2 Techniques, Moto Plus 1 Technique
- Break Falls (Ukemi)
- Back
- Kata
- Taikyoku Gedan, Taikyoku Kake Uke Ich (Kake)
- Pre-Arranged
- Yakusoku Kumite Ich-Part C (Step-Block) & D (Block-Counter)
- Kumite
- Awase, Introduction To Shiai (Point)
- Taikyoku Gedan
- Taikyoku Kake Uke Ich (Kake)